Cute Gingerbread Man

Friday, February 25, 2011


Hey there :) week passed and I didn't write anything :P There's an exam next week,won't be able to post anything next week :( Coz I'll be offline :/ Bye for now ;)

Till then,
-Nadhirah ;P

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sea of Thoughts

Hey again ;) Just came back from school. On a Saturday '-.- But I don't mind at all coz I went to the shorts! x) It was awesome *A* !! They were really good actresses :) Oh,yeah, I'm in swimming club,if you didn't know ;) We had our first swimming lesson two days ago :) It was really fun ;) At last,I learn how to do freestyle!! My friends say my blog is boooooring -__- coz I don't update often. Yeah,probably true (very true '-.- ) but the problem is,I don't have the time!! Oh,yeah,in case you haven't noticed,or maybe your new here, I haven't changed my blog url or tittle since the day I made this blog!! Awesome,rite ;P ?? CreativitY~ *Is* ~NaturaL :) Really proud of it ;) Uhh,my dad's calling me to have my lunch -.- Have to go,buhbye ;)

-Nadhirah ;P

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Friendship is in the air

holding hands,love
Hey there :) Sorry for not posting for quite a while '^_^ I'm just busy :P Anyway,its Friendship Week,yayy!! I gave my close friends a small gift for friendship week :) I mean,why celebrate Valentines Day when you can celebrate Friendship Week? My school celebrates it :) Today's a holiday by the way :D Yeah,there's homework,but its not that bad ;o Finally getting used to it ;P I watched The Chronicles of Narnia this morning. No,not The Last Voyage of the Dawn Treader(panjangnye :P) but Prince Caspian!!! Lol,baru nak tengok? I know,I know :P . But I watched it on DVD larr... new release :P Nice,liked it. Waiting for the third one on DVD :P If you didn't know,I'm not allowed to watch at the cinema ;( I've only been there 3 times in my whole life :P So if I want to watch a movie,I've to buy the DVD :P ORIGINAL,keep that in mind >:D Bane Piracy!! D:< Be original,buy original ;D Wait,wait,wait!!! Why am I getting so fanatic for?? Hehe,never mind '^_^ Okayh, Nadhirah,signing off!! ;D
-Nadhirah ;P

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Books Galore

Hey,hey /XD I know x3 I'm not suppose to be online now and my homework is still undone but I just feel like writing here :) Anyway,school's back. Am currently reading Before Green Gables,a prequel to Anne of Green Gables. Last Friday,I went to MPH, I bought Emily the Strange: Dark Times , Strawgirl by Jackie Kay and Thea Stilton: The Mountain of Fire . Then on Sunday,I went to Popular and bought Before Green Gables (thickest book I've ever read!). Yeah, alot,I know. But I finished everything except Before Green Gables which is about 500 pages /shock and I'm about halfway through ;) Never underestimate my reading skills! Ceyh... /hmm Anyway,the form fives are going to present a shorts (lots of short stories in a play) and its compulsory for production club members. I think the show is gonna be next Saturday,morning show at 11 am - 1pm(RM 7) and the night show is from 8pm to 10pm (RM 10).And,mind you,that Saturday is a school day,so if I go to the morning show,I get to skip class!! /wahaha Plus,its cheaper /XD
Urghh...homework is saying "Finish me..Do it!! Now!!" 0_0 okayh...freaky!! Probably just my imagination :P but seriously,I really need to get started.. must....go...offline!! /no
haha xD Okay,Goody Bye /bye
-Nadhirah ;P

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


cupcakes Hello /hihi Remember what I said on my last post? That Justin Bieber is cuter than Greyson Chance? Well,FORGET I said that! Greyson is waayyy much cuter than him! Idk what made me say something like that /nobigdeal Okay,enough of that '^_^ Anyway,I'm at my grandmothers house :) Haven't finish my h/w and its already wednesday '-.- When I see the pile of homework that I haven't done yet and thinking I have to complete it before monday,I'm like: /omg I've only done about 1/4 of my homework xP Well,better get working on it T_T Even if I don't want to. /floor Buhbye.
-Nadhirah ;P

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