Cute Gingerbread Man

Saturday, January 30, 2010

For the First Time...

For the first time...I made a blog(well,besides my family blog,elanmi(but its private!!!)) I'm still kinda new in this thing ,so,well,don't expect too much from me! Before this it was just gmail,neopets,some other things and poptropica.Now I realize I'm getting more matured and start on things like this(but I still play poptropica!). Most of us have long started.I was really dazzled when I saw my friends blogs! It was just sooooo cool!So I thought of starting my own.And maybe facebook or twitter(but i have to wait until i'm 13!).So...Enjoy!

P.S:Click on the pic of fishes.Watch them come to eat the fish flakes!

3 Critiques:

Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani said...

u play poptropica? my kuzen also play. btw, awesome fish ;)

Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani said... for awesome layouts ;)

Nadhirah Nazri said...

Thanks! I tried to go there but lambat sangat...:)

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