Cute Gingerbread Man

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bored to Death

 Hi there! Listening to katy perry's Fireworks :) Luv that song <3 Hmm..I haven't done much this holidays. My family and I are going to Singapore next month insyaallah :) Universal Studios,here I come! :D Still haven't got laptop yet :P  I'm planning to go rollerblading with my cuz tomorrow :) Gahh!! So bored..nothing to do. xP Guess thats it... FOR NOW xP

Man,this is SUCH a short post xP

-Nadhirah ;) 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

School's Out!

Hey there! Really excited about the school I'm going to next year,Sri Aman! :) On Friday, me & my mum went to Sri Aman to register. We also bought the school socks,badges and exercise books. Sri Aman is: a 'sekolah berprestasi tinggi',HUGE and also a girls school. Yeah,girls school. That means there will be loads of gedik people :P I'll get used to it(or at least I'll TRY to). There will also be students from different schools,including my school. Yeah, at least I'll get to see some if not most of my friends(girls) there :) Good. Yeah,the school seems okay,the teachers and people there..iono yet. So from wearing a dark blue skirt for 6 years,next year I'll be wearing a light blue skirt. Well,I'll do my best there and maybe I'll get to be a prefect or a librarian xP in that 5 years I'm going to be in Sri Aman :P something else than a normal student. They have taekwando,language and a drama club(my dad said I should enter,to make myself more confident(???) )there,which is pretty cool. But balik lambat la xP Kayh, thats all the time I have... FOR NOW xP
-Nadhirah ;P

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hari Anugerah Kecermelangan(!)

Hiya! Juz got back from Hari Anugerah Kecermelangan. I got matapelajaran terbaik: Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan. Went up the stage to take a certificate and a prize. It's my last year at this school but I'm glad I am leaving this school with 5A's,my last contribution :) Anyway,insyaallah I'm getting a laptop(!!!) as my UPSR present. Yeah,I know, maybe some of you think a laptop is too much for 5A's in UPSR but I didn't really ask for it! My parents promised me the prize if I get straight A's for my UPSR even before UPSR. We went to Low Yat last week to check out the latest notebooks.My frenz told me to get the new Sony VAIO, but.. I'm planning to buy the ASUS i5. Anyway,I can always buy a laptop skin to make it more colourful.
Insyaallah I'm going to Sri Aman next year :) It's one of the top 20 schools in Malaysia.It's a girls school so I won't be seeing any boys there(wasn't planning on it anyway).I hope J & A will go to the same school even though I know that Alya wants to go to a boarding school.I wish I could make a facebook account this year so that I can reconnect with my friends that I won't be seeing next year :( Hmm,I just have to wait till next year.. Well,I guess thats all..FOR NOW. xD

Nadhirah ;P

Thursday, November 11, 2010

5A's are in my hands!!!!xD

I just got my UPSR results at school just now and guess what??? I got 5 A's!!!!!! Alhamdulillah,I am so thankful to Allah. I just can't believe it!!! I think my class(6R) was the noisiest class when our results were given coz about half or more of my class got 5A's so they were sCrEaMiNg like crazy when they got their results! xD I didn't stop praying the whole time I was waiting for my name to be called. And when teacher did call my name,I slowly walked to the front,look at my examination slip and...STRAIGHT A's!!!! I screeched(xP) and when I got back to my place,I just couldn't help it,I cried tears of joy-but only for a while-.All my hard work for 6 whole years FINALLY paid off! Aisyatul got 5A's,Afiqah Aina,Ain,Ruhisha and her gang,and loads more people got 5A's.The rest,well..Hani,Shafina and a few more people got 4A's 1B.But it's okay,it's not that bad.Then,I did something I rarely do..I hugged my friends coz I was so happy for them and for myself. After that,most of the girls-including me- hugged our teacher,Puan Rajeswari.Then,I raced out of the class and met Janette and Alya at the corridor.All three of us got 5A's!!!(See,I told you you guys could do it!;P)We hugged then we went downstairs to see our parents. My mum was overjoyed when I told her that I got 5A's. Pastu I used her phone to called my dad and my grandparents to tell them the great news. My 4-year-old bro was like-so blur coz he didn't know anything.Haha! Aiman,aiman. Then I found out my cousin,Adli,also got 5A's.Then my mum brought me and my bro to Pizza Hut for lunch-my burp still smells like pizza xP haha!-
My mum sms all my aunts and uncles about my achievement,even my two aunts who are in Mekah,doing hajj.They all got the message and congratulated me-hey! I'm not bragging!xD
Oh,yes,and I also got the matapelajaran terbaik for Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan for Stndrd.6. That means I am gonna be at the Hari Anugerah Kecermelangan! But that also means loads and loads of practice :P
Today is one of the best days in my life.
But one thing's for sure,I certainly made a historical and memoriable mark in my life:) ~

Friday, November 5, 2010

So little to say...

Hi there. Mmm..not much to write about..haha,not really,just too malas to write.Kay,last month-IBM family day @ cosmo world..on the same day we also went to an ice-age exhibition,hari keushawanan at school,and so on.Last Saturday-hari aerobikthon..On monday-hari kanak-kanak..tuesday-I didn't come to school.. From yesterday till next sunday is a holiday(for schools anyway) coz of the deepavali celebration.Just finished watching Toy Story 3 on DVD.Gahh!!! Dunno what to write anymore..
Goody bye.
-Nadhirah :)

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