I just got my
UPSR results at school just now and guess what??? I got
5 A's!!!!!! Alhamdulillah,I am so thankful to Allah. I just can't believe it!!! I think my class(6R) was the noisiest class when our results were given coz about half or more of my class got 5A's so they were sCrEaMiNg like crazy when they got their results! xD I didn't stop praying the whole time I was waiting for my name to be called. And when teacher did call my name,I slowly walked to the front,look at my examination slip and...STRAIGHT A's!!!! I screeched(xP) and when I got back to my place,I just couldn't help it,I cried tears of joy-but only for a while-.All my hard work for 6 whole years FINALLY paid off! Aisyatul got 5A's,Afiqah Aina,Ain,Ruhisha and her gang,and loads more people got 5A's.The rest,well..Hani,Shafina and a few more people got 4A's 1B.But it's okay,it's not that bad.Then,I did something I rarely do..I hugged my friends coz I was so happy for them and for myself. After that,most of the girls-including me- hugged our teacher,Puan Rajeswari.Then,I raced out of the class and met Janette and Alya at the corridor.All three of us got 5A's!!!(See,I told you you guys could do it!;P)We hugged then we went downstairs to see our parents. My mum was overjoyed when I told her that I got 5A's. Pastu I used her phone to called my dad and my grandparents to tell them the great news. My 4-year-old bro was like-so blur coz he didn't know anything.Haha! Aiman,aiman. Then I found out my cousin,Adli,also got 5A's.Then my mum brought me and my bro to Pizza Hut for lunch-my burp still smells like pizza xP haha!-
My mum sms all my aunts and uncles about my achievement,even my two aunts who are in Mekah,doing hajj.They all got the message and congratulated me-hey! I'm not bragging!xD
Oh,yes,and I also got the matapelajaran terbaik for Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan for Stndrd.6. That means I am gonna be at the Hari Anugerah Kecermelangan! But that also means loads and loads of practice :P
Today is one of the best days in my life.
But one thing's for sure,I certainly made a historical and memoriable mark in my life:) ~
5 Critiques:
congrats nadhirah :D
btw,which school r u goin'?
Thanks! you too. mm..I think I'm going to Sri Aman kot. Insyaallah. you?
:) Congrats! :D
Thanks! you too. ;)
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