Cute Gingerbread Man

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Taking Chances

Hey there :) Today I went to school for an interview in becoming a PRS or Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya. Hope I pass!! /sweat After that,I went to the optometrist to make another pair of glasses for spare :) Then I went to Hani's house(again) to continue on our production club project :P STILL not finished yet :P Hey,have you heard of Greyson Chance? He's younger (12 years old sorry,he's 14 this year '^_^) than Justin Bieber but he is SO much better than Bieber! I have to admit it,Justin Bieber IS cuter(Y) but Greyson is SO much more matured. Plus,he doesn't sound like a girl -.- I like his song ,Greyson Chance-Waiting Outside the Lines :) Kayh,It's late now,got to sleep. Buhbye ;)

-Nadhirah ;P

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