Cute Gingerbread Man

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hum Dee Dum...

                                               Which is quite true. :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Seminar UPSR...

Went to the seminar UPSR yesterday. It was at Maktab Kerjasama Malaysia. 8.30a.m.-6.00p.m.! 2 long hours for each subject; BM, English,Science & Maths.It was suppose to start at 8 but my school was a lil' bit late. But It wasn't quite that boring coz the lecturers/teachers used projectors and microphones to speak.They had to! 150 people. Not just from my school but from 2 or 3 schools too(one of the schools came all the way from KL!).We sat in a seat that is exactly like the ones in cinemas and the tables are folded in the chair arm.Pretty cool but also quite small(the tables). The chairs are arranged in stair like rows(you know,like universities) so even the back most row can see the lecturer and the projector clearly. I sat next to Janette and Ameera. The lecturer for BM and Science were the same ones as the seminar last year. The best part was science,Cikgu Johari, because he made us laugh a lot which kinda made us interested in science.The seminar was quite fun,I gained a lot of knowledge there. But it was cold there because it was air-conditioned.Too bad I didn't bring my jacket! Well, never mind, I can stand the air-cond anytime.The only thing cold that I can't stand is snow.Like the time I went to Nikko,a ski-resort in Japan(I didn't go skiing,but I did go sledding).Even though I wore 2 to 3 layers of socks,pants and sweaters not to mention a thick snow jacket,I still felt like an icicle out in the snow!  Anyway,my cousin(fathers side),Kak Lyana, was(or is,I'm not sure) sick and suspected H1N1,so she had to leave her boarding school for a while and sent to Assunta hospital. She took a blood test, but I am not sure of the results... I just hope 4 the best 4 her!

So, zaz all,Bye 4 n0w!

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