Cute Gingerbread Man

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Taking Chances

Hey there :) Today I went to school for an interview in becoming a PRS or Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya. Hope I pass!! /sweat After that,I went to the optometrist to make another pair of glasses for spare :) Then I went to Hani's house(again) to continue on our production club project :P STILL not finished yet :P Hey,have you heard of Greyson Chance? He's younger (12 years old sorry,he's 14 this year '^_^) than Justin Bieber but he is SO much better than Bieber! I have to admit it,Justin Bieber IS cuter(Y) but Greyson is SO much more matured. Plus,he doesn't sound like a girl -.- I like his song ,Greyson Chance-Waiting Outside the Lines :) Kayh,It's late now,got to sleep. Buhbye ;)

-Nadhirah ;P

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Good Times

Hey again :) I'm at Hani's house /wahaha with Amelynn now :D . Amelynn,me and Hani were working on our production club project :) But Amelynn's going home already :( ..her dads on the way :/ . So far we only created the characters and so on but not the story and the script :P hehe.. Looks like we have to come here again next week :P Which is not a bad idea coz Hani's house is HUGE /shock and her room is really big and comfy :D Gahh!!! I'm going home soon too :P Soo...bye? /bye
-Nadhirah ;P

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Trials in life

love icon 

Hey,hey /hihi . I like to read other people's tumblr recently,dunno why :P Not that I have tumblr..I just like to read other people's /XD .It can be sooo addicting /nobigdeal . Anyway,there was school today( yeah,I know rite? On a saturday! /shock ) and on the last period, our english teacher didn't come so we PARTAYH! /wahaha lol,nolah,we decorate our class from drab to fab :D ! Anyway,since I was the AJK Kebersihan,I had to order everyone,especially those on duty,to do their work. Let me tell you,IT WAS TIRING! But I finally managed to do it /sweat . Well,that time,I was SO angry and heartbroken and and..urgh!! I was just feeling serabut inside (which,by all means, I cannot write the reasons down here,it may be offensive material '^_^ ) so I put all my feelings together in my voice and used it to get the class into shape. Yeah,maybe some of them didn't like it but it felt goood ;P So if we get 'kelas terkotor' again next week,it certainly won't be my fault!
Gahh!! Heaps..of..homework..must..go..offline.. /no
I guess thats all for now /bye
-Nadhirah ;P

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Don't stop,make it POP!

cute face's cupcakes 
Hey,again :) Today is a public holiday,yay!! xD But tons of homework,boo! :( Anyway,I'm in kadet polis. Yesterday there was a kadet polis meeting and let me tell you,they are STRICT. At first,when I found out I got kadet polis,I wanted to change but for now,I think I'll stay for this year and see how it goes :) Anyway,a girl from my class,Xueh Wen(huge Justin Bieber fan),has this awesome blog,really funny posts :) you can click the link at the 'awesome bloggers'. Another girl,Syn yi(huge korean fan),also has a really cool blog but its in chinese,haha xD Anyway,I am now maidless..after so many years,I'm maidless!! no maid,more privacy,yeah B-) So after school I go to my grandma's house :) Hmm..what else.. :-x
Oh,yeah,I'm also in production club :) Its awesome,lemme tell you ;D This year we're gonna do a musical =D but the bad thing about it is that I'm in the filming and story boarding group..know what that means? WE HAVE TO WRITE THE STORY !!! :O Script,story board,EVERYTHING! least we'll do it as a group :/ Sri Aman is really tiring :P Well,it IS a Sekolah Berprestasi I'll have to bare with it..for the next 5 years(!!!). mind is blank right now so I guess thats it..FOR NOW xD

-Nadhirah xP

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

As time goes by..

 Hi :) sorry for not writing for a while. I've been busy with school so..yeah. I have TONS of homework every day :P Thats why I couldn't go online. I'm not suppose to be online now,I can only go online on weekends and holidays(my own rule xP Its not wrong to disipline yourself,right?). But since I had to search the net as a homework,I thought I might as well drop by. So...HI!
Sri Aman is okay(even though its super strict and the rules are really weird o_o),1 Amanah(my class) is okay-h,finally getting used to it :P The people are awesome :) Made loads of new friends :), never forgetting the old ones :) I'm in yellow house..or more precise, I'm in Topaz Yellow,yeah :D hehe :)
Janette and Alya are also in Topaz Yellow..what a coinsidence :) haha :D Yeah,so I'm AJK charge of the cleanliness of the class. I did the duty roster but I'm not even in it! haha :) I just order people around xD hehe..nolah,I remind people...yeah :P lol
Oh,I've to finish up the rest of my homework so...buhbye.For now ;P

 -Nadhirah ;P

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Let bygones be bygones

Goodbye 2010,hello 2011 :) I went to the orientation at Sri Aman yesterday :) Sad to say I'm not in a class with my close friends :( Huh... but its okay,I guess..I've to get use to my new classmates coz I'm gonna be with them though out the year. Anyway,Sri Aman is a VERY strict school,its also HUGE. But its okay, I guess :) Yesterday my family and I took I drive to Kota Damansara to see the 12 midnight! Subahanallah,it was so beautiful :) Thats all for now,buhbye :P
-Nadhirah ;P

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