Cute Gingerbread Man

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm back! :)

The UPSR exam is over and I'm FREEEEEEEE !!! I 'cleaned up' my blog and deleted some of the posts.I also changed my blog to a 'vintage' theme. I think I like it better now. Anyway, my mum promised that I could make a facebook account after UPSR but my father didn't approve of that idea bcoz I am not old enough even though most of my friends have facebook.Thats coz they lie their actual age and my strict dad said its sinful to lie('=_=) . Isn't it just a 'minor sin' ? *sigh* I guess I'll just wait till next year... It's OK I guess..It's not like I'd die without fb.Anyway...the reason that I have not written in here for so long is bcoz I was getting ready with my first 'big exam',UPSR. I hope I get straight A's ^v^ ! Its finally over,thank goodness! School is more relaxed now coz the UPSR is over and we're moving on to secondary school next year. Thats all the time I have for now,GTG.
Till then,
-Nadhirah A. Nazri 

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